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Présentation  / cabinet / Publications et congrès

Marc Soler physician


• Former assistant of the hospitals of Amiens
• Former head of clinic at the Faculty of Medicine of Amiens
• Diploma  in general surgery
• Diploma in visceral surgery
• Diploma  in forensic medicine and medical expertise
• Advanced study diploma, biomedical engineering, University of Technology of Compiègne

• Thesis for the Doctorate in Medicine: “Post-operative incisional hernias, study of two new procedures” René Stoppa, thesis director


Medalist of the National Academy of Surgery: "Post-operative eventrations, study of two new procedures" (Edouard Laborie Prize, Thesis Prize) 1992.


Stoppa Prize : BEST Video presentation, and contribution to APHS 2016, TOKYO-HERNIA WEEK 2016- Tokyo, Japan, from October 27-October 28, 2016: “The use of the new target mesh for the treatment of the small umbilical hernia with an open minimal invasive surgery » 

Current Achievements concerning hernias and incisional Hernias

Prospective follow-up of all our patients (database)


  • Participation in publications in the best books and international journals.

  • Continuous monitoring and evaluation of our results, of the quality of care.

Participation à

 Inter-University Diploma in Parietal Surgery 2020/2021.

Capture d’écran 2022-07-05 à 09.39.01-min.png

Realization of the courses:

-"history of parietal surgery" 

-“groin hernia surgery, TIPP/MOPP techniques ”

- “Groin hernia surgery, René Stoppa technique”


Member of the Association of «Médecins Maîtres Toiles »

Member of the ASSPRO / Branchet prize jury on October 12, 2018 rewarding the best e-health applications : Presentation of the ASSPRO Scientific prize - Quality of life category for practitioners, to the Docndoc and Lifen applications day-for-health-innovation/;


Blogger (, speaker, trainer (DPC) in connected health.


Member of the National Health Council.

What will the National Council for e-health be used for? (


Reviewer for  Hernia journal, the main journal concerning parietal surgery, which is distributed worldwide.


Member of the scientific council of DEKRA Certification (France), a company accredited by COFRAC which certifies innovative mobile applications and sites for better connected living. Certifying and auditing body - DEKRA Certification (France). 

Ongoing scientific studies

Long-term study on more than 2000 patients operated on for inguinal hernia, the results show the results of the MOPP surgical technique (Presentation of results in numerous international congresses).


Similar study on more than 400 patients concerning surgery for umbilical, epigastric hernia and small ventral incisional hernias.

Strong involvement in Continuing Professional Training

Regular activities within the framework of Continuing Professional Development (DPC) (Développement Professionnel Continu (DPC)), as a participant to validate continuing professional training.


Accredited by the HAS High Health Authority, (Haute autorité de santé HAS) last certificate issued in 2022 (article D. 41357 of the Public Health Code).


Personal continuing medical training validated each year and accredited by the High Authority for Health (HAS), without interruption since 2009.

Promoter of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) (Professionnel Continu (DPC))sessions and Speaker in Parietal and General Surgery 

January 2016 Antibes-Juans les Pins, Program reference: 70991500012, Session number: 1 “Status in 2016 of minimally invasive and outpatient surgery for the treatment of inguinal and ventral hernias, role of the attending physician”.​


​March 2016 Cagnes sur Mer, Program reference: 70991500046, Session number: 1.


​Gallstones: From asymptomatic stones to the risk of severe acute pancreatitis! When to operate?


January 2017 Polyclinic of Cagnes sur Mer "Situation in 2017 of minimally invasive outpatient surgery for the treatment of inguinal and ventral hernias. Ref. Action: 73601700003 Session n°: 1.

Significant involvement in connected health

Blogger (, speaker, trainer (DPC) in connected health, member of the « conseil National E santé ».

Creator, editor, with Nicolas Bondu of the blog:


Réalisation de billets de synthèse d’information et de vulgarisation sur les grands thèmes de la santé connectée :

Comment sera le monde de la santé en 2030

Révolution dans les cabinets : la téléconsultation c’est parti ?

Numérus Clausus, la fin Programmée

La robotique chirurgicale, la revanche de la main pensante !

La santé numérique contre la maladie d’Alzheimer

Les déserts médicaux

L’E-santé pour une meilleure espérance de vie en bonne santé. Ou comment essayer de réduire les dépenses de santé

Chronique Estonienne. Un exemple en e-santé…


Concepteur de programme et conférencier en e-santé dans le cadre du Développement Professionnel Continu (DPC), Association Haastin (Fondateur Nicolas Bondu) organisme de Formation du DPC.


Co-designer of the first DPC (Continuous Professional Development) programs ( dedicated to e-health (June 2016):

- Fiche action de DPC, référence no : 73601600001 "la relation Patient/Médecin ; Autonomisation- actions de prévention". Cagnes/mer le 30 Juin 2016

- Fiche action de DPC, références no : 73601700002 La santé connectée et la relation Patient. Nice le 09 Mars 2017.

- Fiche action de DPC, référence n° 73601700004 : La santé connectée et la numération du cabinet médical, Cagnes sur Mer le 30 Mars 2017 ; Antony 25 Mars 2017

- Fiche action de DPC, référence n° 73601800017 : Ehealthworld Monaco 2018 « La santé connectée au quotidien » : Exemples d’applications de suivi ; surveillance tensionnelle à domicile, suivi de patients opérés d’obésité morbide, présentation des data-sets (BPCO, Diabète, infection respiratoires hautes). Monaco 01 Juin 2018.

(Association Haastin ODPC 7360) de 21 Sessions de DPC en 2018.


My practice

Present in Cagnes sur Mer for twenty years.


Through my training and my academic work, I am particularly specialized in the field of abdominal wall surgery.


The surgical treatment of inguinal and umbilical hernias and incisional hernias are therefore privileged areas of my activity;   I establish myself  as an Abdominal Wall Surgery Center.


Surgical activity, in parietology


Introduction in 2001 in France of the technique of F. Ugahary, it is the first tension free and sutureless technique, puting in place a large prosthesis, for the cure of  an unilateral groin hernia , by a minimal invasive and  access surgery.​


Inventor of the Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal (MOPP) technique.


New technique developed in 2011 in Cagnes sur Mer, synthesis of the Ugahary technique and the Trans Inguinal Pre Peritoneal (TIPP) technique, after development and patent filing a specific dissecting instrument, with creation of complete instrumentation specifically adapted to the MOPP technique, the technique has been widely published.​


Prosthetics Matérials


I am also a specialist in prosthetic materials, (DEA in biomedical engineering), see article Hernia 2000, and I have created prostheses for surgery of groin hernias, and ventral hernias and small eventrations, with deposit of a patent : the target prosthesis.


Other field of expertise apart from parietal surgery.


I also specialize in :

-Pilonidal sinus surgery    

-Proctological surgery, hemorrhoids, anal fissures and fistulas 

-Gallbladder surgery

-In collaboration with the emergency department of the Saint Jean clinic: general surgery; appendicitis, cholecystitis, proctologic emergency...


Publications et présentations â€‹


Most of my publications and communications report on my experimental and clinical university research conducted in the parietology department of Professor Stoppa, an eminent referent for this specialty. The work is currently continuing on the clinical level in close collaboration with  industrialists, and the leading learned society in France in this field: the French society for surgery of the abdominal wall-Club hernie,  Société Française de Chirurgie Pariétale - Club Hernie (  of which I am a member of the board  and member of the scientific committee in 2022.


These publications and presentations concern:


- F. Ugahary's technique to treat the groin hernias, which I introduced in France in 2001 and which was presented to the  French National Academy of surgery in May 2004. the film of the technique accompanies the publication of the results concerning the 300 first hernias operated using this technique in Cagnes sur mer: Report of the academy of surgery, 2004.


- the MOPP technique which is a synthesis of the Ugahary technique and the Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal (TIPP) technique.

- postpartum abdominal insufficiency.​


Examples from all publications:


Soler, M., Giuly, J.A. & Bendavid, R. Don Eugène Acquaviva (1897–1976) : The real founder of modern parietology using a prosthetic mesh!. Hernia 25, 1733–1735 (2021).


Gillion J. F., Soler M., Chollet J. M., Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery 2020; A registry-based 2-year follow-up comparative study of two meshes used in transinguinal preperitoneal (TIPP) groin hernia repaît


Soler M., Giuly J., Hernia,

Robert Bendavid (and E. Acquaviva), 2019,

doi 10.1007/s10029-019-02103-7


Soler M. Minimal Open Preperitoneal (MOPP) Technique in : Campanelli G. editor. The Art of Hernia Surgery A Step-by-Step Guide. Milan, 2018: Springer, 319-326

eBook ISBN 978-3-319-72626-7


Soler M. The minimal open preperitoneal (MOPP) approach to treat the groin hernias, with the history of the preperitoneal approach. Ann Laparosc Endosc Surg 2017;2:133.

Voir le lien.


M Soler La technique de Ugahary : Cure minimale invasive des hernies de l’aine par grande prothèse pré-péritonéale par voie inguinale latérale, 2017 In Traitement chirurgical des hernies de l’aine par voie inguinale Beck M, Gillion JF, Soler M, Pélissier É, Palot J P,Ngo P, 2016 EMC (Elsevier Masson SAS, Paris), Techniques chirurgicales - Appareil digestif, 40-110.


Soler M Minimal Open Preperitoneal (MOPP) Technique, 2016. In Inguinal Hernia Surgery Springer Campanelli, Giampiero (Ed.) ISBN 978-88-470-3947-6


M Soler - The international journal of academic biomedical and surgical science research  2013


JABSSR - ISSN  2053-9525, Academic paper presentations from the EHS Conference:



M. Soler “Modified grid iron (F. Ugahary, hernioplastie, using a new self expandable prosthesis.The really minimal invasive preperitoneal approach: review and results


M. Soler: Grid-Iron, Ugahary procedure

World Atlas of hernia surgery, Springer, 2010, 185-192

Publisher Cavit Avci, Gilles Fourtanier, Levent Avtan


M. Soler (Cagnes/mer), F.Ugahary (Tiel –Netherlands) : traitement des hernies de l’aine par l’opération de Franz Ugahary (grande prothèse pré péritonéale), par voie sus inguinale latérale : technique, résultats. Académie Nationale de Chirurgie, séance du mercredi 26 mai 2004


Soler M., Verhaeghe P., Stoppa R.

Clinical applications: Mersilene, In Hernias of the abdominal wall: principles and management,

R. Bendavid, MD; J. Abrahamson, MD, M. Arregui, MD; and J. B. Flament, Editors

2000 Springer-verlag New York


M. Soler, P. Verhaeghe and R. Stoppa

Parietal reinforcement prostheses: an original intraperitoneal experimental study.

Hernia (2000) 4: 61-66

Participation in :   1a Reuniao da Sociedade Portuguesa de Hernia e Parede Abdominal

Grande Hotel do Luso, 19-20 de novembre de 2021

Marc Soler Comentadores « Wallstorming »

Operator pendant 2° Encontro HGO Hernia da Parede Abdominal

Servico de cirurgie- Hosopital Garcia De Orta 18 Novembro de 2021

Masterclass- Open Preperitoneal approaches in inguinal hernia repair

Lecture and Live surgery : MOPP Technique

Conference at the French Academy of Surgery January 2020 : « Eugène Acquaviva, the first synthetic prosthesis.

Contribution to the AFC 2019 REPORT: ABDOMINAL EVENTRATIONS, May 2019 Paris:
-SPECIAL SITUATIONS (M Soler - Cagnes-sur-mer, M Lepère - La Roche-sur-Yon, M Beck - Thionville)
Small defect within a large scar
Small defect within a diastasis
Abdominoplasty to do: at the same time or in a second time ?

Saint-Etienne Ecole des Mines on April 04, 2019:
Efficiency of health care systems and operational research day 2019 artificial intelligence in health the engineer-doctor couple at the heart of innovation.
- Dr Marc Soler (visceral surgeon), "connected health, the contribution of NICTs, impact on my daily practice".- Dr. Marc Soler “care pathway and follow-up of operated patients using artificial intelligence”.

Printemps des EHPAD 2019 Thursday, March 28, 2019 Nice Côte d'Azur Airport,
Marc Soler: Teleconsultation: perspective in nursing homes

French National Academy of Surgery, session of November 21, 2018 ABDOMINAL WALL
Marc SOLER (Cagnes sur Mer): The extra peritoneal prosthesis by open approach

Commentator: Édouard PÉLISSIER (Paris).


Present at general Surgery Advance, Academic Robotics Forum, September 29, 2018 Roy and Diana Vagelos Education Center Columbia University, New York, NY.


Meeting organized by the company Intuitive Surgical providing an update on robotic surgery in visceral and parietal surgery in particular.


Invited as speaker at the 18th MMESA CONGRESS, 4th Rémoises Days of Surgery, 25,26 October 2018 Reims France


Parietal surgery session, First session: inguinal hernia. Lap or Open?

Invited as a speaker at the AFC 2018 congress Thursday, September 20, 2018,
Face to face of parietal surgery and discussions with the audience
President: Jean-Luc Bouillot (Paris)
Umbilical hernia: laparoscopic approach, Jérôme Loriau (Paris)

Open route: Marc Soler (Cagnes)

Invited as speaker at the 4th Controversies in Hernia Surgery Conference icenicentre
Thursday 22nd & Friday 23rd March, 2018 Stansted, UK

“Hernia repair in the post-prostatectomy patient”

Invited as a speaker at the SFCE 2018 congress, Palais Brongniart Paris from January 25 to 27, 2018.

“the treatment of umbilical hernias, by a minimally invasive preperitoneal approach”


Invited to the German congress of parietal surgery:


13th Hernientage, Berlin on January 29, 2016, live surgery :  Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal (MOPP) technique.


12 Hernientage Koln 2015, February 6-7:  TIPP better than Lichtenstein? A new procedure to the peritoneal space.


Several presentations during the congress of the French Association of Surgery (AFC)


114th French Congress of Surgery, Association Francaise de chirurgie (AFC), Paris

October 3-5 2012 PARIS

1 continuing medical education, oral presentation,:lumbar Incisional hernias

2 Free oral presentation: Treatment of small ventral hernias with a minimally invasive pre peritoneal approach, using a new composite prosthesis with memory form.


Numerous presentations during the MESH parietology congress (paris), including:


Mesh 2022 Paris June 17Chair of Session 3: Open preperitoneal for groin hernia repairs: "Going open is not going back" and lecture : Open preperitoneal repair : Story & History


Mesh 2021 Paris 2-4 dec 2021.

President of the congress

Lecture : “Evolution of technology / evolution of the mentality of surgon; evolution from the expert surgeon to the “data driven” surgeon

Mesh 2020, November 27   PARIS (Cagnes sur Mer)

​Why and when it can be correct in 2020 to prefer the minimal open pre peritoneale (MOPP) access versus laparoscopic and open anterior route (Lichtestein), first fully digitized Mesh congress

Personnal experience and Club hernia data


Mesh 2020, November 27   PARIS ( Cagnes sur Mer)​

Why and when it can be correct in 2020 to prefer the minimal open pre peritoneale (MOPP) access versus laparoscopic and open anterior route (Lichtestein), first fully digitized Mesh congress

Personnal experience and Club hernia data


MESH 2018 PARIS  June 16 2018.

Speaker during the DPC session: "The tools of connected health Interest in the care of patients, particularly in outpatients"


MESH 2018 speaker during the DPC  session


MESH 2017- PARIS june 16 2017


XIIIth SYMPOSIUM ON PARIETAL PROSTHESES session n° 4 Round table: Surgical cure for diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles.​


Session 5 Cure of groin hernias after prostatectomy. Hernia Club Registry Data Summary


MESH 2016- PARIS June 17, 2016
XIIth SYMPOSIUM ON PARIETAL PROSTHESES session n° 4: umbilico-susumbilical hernia: in favor of preperitoneal placement of the prothesis : 5 mm to convince.


MESH 2015- PARIS June 12, 2015

XIth SYMPOSIUM ON PARIETAL PROSTHESES Speaker: Small ventral hernias: pre-peritoneal the return


MESH 2014- PARIS June 13, 2014

Xth SYMPOSIUM ON PARIETAL PROSTHESES, Speaker: The 3rd : the MOPP technique, results after 3 years follow-up.


MESH 2013- PARIS June 14, 2013

IXth SYMPOSIUM ON PARIETAL PROSTHESES: Speaker: Hernias of the groin – The 3rd way : the MOPP technique (Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal).


Numerous participations in the congress of the European Hernia Society:


Open preperitoneal groin hernia repair: MOPP TIPP TREPP ONSTEP

“Open preperitoneal- A better inguinal hernia mesh repair”

Lunch Symposium October 13th  EHS 2021 Copenhagen:Open Preperitoneal- A better Inguinal Hernia Mesh Repair

Speakers : Marc Soler ; Ralph Lorenz ; Willem Akkersdijk ; Gabriel de Oliveira

Marc Soler: Story and history


41st Annual International Congress of the European Hernia Society (EHS),  September 11-14, 2019  Hamburg, Germany.

-The minimal open approach with a small peri umbilical incision using the preperitoneal space to put a mesh.

-Multiple inguinal reoperations: open approach

-Why and when it can be correct in 2019 to prefer the minimal open pre-peritoneal (MOPP) access versus laparoscopic and open anterior route (Lichtenstein)


39th Annual International Congress of the European Hernia Society – EHS 2017 May 24 – 27, 2017, Vienna/Austria:


Reprise des présentations de l'APHS de Tokyo 2016 concernant : la chirurgie herniaire technique MOPP; la chirurgie ombilicale pre péritonéale; la chirurgie herniare chez les octo et nonagenaires; et la chirurgie herniaire chez les prostatectomisés


Modération de la séance : Patients selection in groin hernia surgery


Numerous participations since 2007 at the congress of the Asia Pacific Hernia Society (APHS), including :


ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2019, Bali 2-05 Oct 2019 VTEP Ventral Hernia Totally Extra Peritoneal . Why and when it can be Correct in 2019 to Prefer the Minimal Open Pre Peritoneale (MOPP) Access versus Laparoscopic and Open Anterior Route (Lichtenstein)


ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2016, Tokyo 27-28 Oct

Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal (MOPP) approach, a new technique for groin hernia repair. With a new mesh and a new and specific ancillar. First presentation with a long term results

The Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal (MOPP) approach to treat the groin hernias, with a new expandable, polypropylene mesh. A real minimal invasive surgery;  Video

The use of the new "target mesh" in the preperitoneal space, for the treatment of the small ombilical hernias, with an open minimal invasive surgery. VIDEO

The use of the new "target mesh" in the preperitoneal space, for the treatment of the small ombilical hernias, with an open minimal invasive surgery.  Lecture

Long-term outcomes of groin hernia repair in octogenarians and nonagenarians: the French "club hernie" database results.

Groin hernia repair after radical prostatectomy and adenomectomy: 498 cases. Long term outcome versus long term outcome for patient without prostatectomie” French database results.

Modérateur pour la session : Groin hernia repair: Complex groin hernias] Oct. 27


-ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2014, 6-8 Nov Jaipur, India

Lecture: The use of the new" target mesh" for the treatment of the small umbilical hernias, with an open minimal invasive surgery.

The minimal open preperitoneal approach, a synthesis of Ugahary and trans inguinal preperitoneal approach.:Techniques and pitfalls

Recurrences of groin hernia, Chairperson for this session.


-ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2013 27th and 28th November 2013 Asiaa World Expo HONG KONG:

Open inguinal hernia Trans Inguinal pre peritoneal procedure (TIPP) Oral presentation

Treatment of diastasis recti

The Third way to treat Groin hernias, the minimal open Preperitoneal approach (MOPP)


-ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress Cebu, Filipinos 2012

The history of the preperitoneal approach from Annandale to the modern and minimal invasive one


Participation in the American Congress of Abdominal Wall Surgery:


5Th International Hernia Congress Join AHS – EHS congress New York March 28-31--2012, Orateur: Grid-Iron hernioplastie (Ugahary technique), with the new expandable, polypropylene mesh prosthesis.


15th Annual Hernia Repair March 13-16, 2013 Orlando, FL: Poster presentation: The third way to treat groin hernia, “the Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal approach” “MOPP”


​Last participations in the international symposium IHS Hernia Symposium Bard :


Speaker at: Internationnal Hernia Symposium Truths, Myths and Legends, 25/26th Athens 2022

Marc Soler: Anatomy and history of the Groin area.


Participation in the international symposium IHS Hernia Symposium Bard BDI Prague April 5 and 6, 2019 Cubex Center, Praha 4.


​Participation in the IHS international symposium “changing face of hernia” 27-28 April 2018, London, 10 CPD training Hours Accreditation for IHS18.


Participation in the international symposium EHS Hernia Symposium Bard 2017 Paris.


Live surgery during congresses, meetings, workshops, concerning the MOPP technique :


- Live surgery during "2° Encontro HGO Hernia da Parede Abdominal

Surgery Department- Hospital Garcia De Orta 18 Novembro de 2021"

Masterclass- Open Preperitoneal approaches in inguinal hernia repair

Lecture and Live surgery: MOPP Technique


- March 18, 2016, department of Pr Cériani, MultiMedica Hospital, Milan.


- ​13 th Hernientage, Berlin on January 29, 2016, live surgery: Minimal Open Pre Peritoneal technique (MOPP).


- November 30, 2015, service of Dr. Ralph Lorenz at the Havelklinik, Berlin.


- July 8, 2015, service of Dr. Bernd Stechemesser, at the Hernienzentrun, Cologne.


​- 1st Word Conference on abdominal Wall Hernia Surgery (37th European Hernia Society congress-11th Asia Pacific Hernia Society 4th Afro Middle East hernia Society congress 3th Australasian hernia Society Congress).


- ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2014 - 6th -8th November 2014, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


- ASIA Pacific Hernia Society Congress 2013 - 27th and 28th November 2013 Asiaa World Expo HONG KONG


53B Avenue des Alpes
06800 Cagnes-sur-Mer
PACA - France


Office phone:

04 93 20 58 58

Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Saturday morning 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Hours of Consultation 

Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. / 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Wednesday from 1.30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Friday from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

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