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“The Minimal Open Preperitoneal (MOPP) Approach for Treating Groin Hernias: Technique, Indications,


“The Minimal Open Preperitoneal (MOPP) Approach for Treating Groin Hernias: Technique, Indications, and Results.” Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery ALES currently being edited!

Correspondence to : Marc Soler M.D. Abdominal wall surgery center, 53, avenue des Alpes , Cagnes Sur Mer, France. Email:



Dear friends,

I am pleased to announce the acceptance of my latest article on the MOPP technique.

The manuscript is in the hands of the e-proof editor for a final publication in about 2 months, I will send you the link asap.


After several publications in the books of Giampiero Campanelli, and multiple communications in all directions, (surgical National French academy, EHS, AHS, IHS, APHS, KRERS, MESH...), this is the first publication in a journal with reviewers and impact factor. The previous publication in this same Journal was produced at the request of Davide Lomanto (Singapore) who could not miss my obsession with the 3rd way to operate the groin hernias, that I tirelessly presented particularly in Asia since Singapore APHS congress 2007. The previous publication was for a special Annals of Laparoscopic and Endoscopic Surgery (ALES) volume about groin hernias. It was: "The minimal open preperitoneal (MOPP) approach to treat the groin hernias, with the history of the preperitoneal approach. Ann Laparosc Endosc Surg 2017;2:133."


It is a great pleasure to cite this Journal which has therefore entered the big leagues with now an Impact Factor.

it was quite natural that I thought of this Journal for an update of the MOPP technique with the addition of new technical details based on the anatomy of the fascias and also with results with average follow-up of 3 years concerning 1401 operated hernias!


I have to thanks infinitely the anonymous reviewers who in both cases improved my texts, with their always enriching comments. I thank particularly Skylar, Teresa, and all the Editorial Office.  I did the job with the essential support of the independent clinical research assistant from the French “Club Hernie”, and until the last minute with the contribution of Jean Francois Gillion.


I must also mention, given my very average written English, the help of Google translate, Linguee, chatGPT driven by Alicia Mettoudi whom I warmly thank. And the final touch from Kinny for the last speeling gramatical and syntaxe corrections!!!


 Outside of scientific work for a clinician working in the private sector publishing is a real obstacle course.


In anticipation of my next communications on the subject of Minimal Invasive Open Pre Peritoneal route to operate on groin hernias, (MOPP, TREPP, TIPP), it will be timely perfect to presence with this article an example of this third route which can challenge of course Lichtenstein but also endoscopy and robotic.


That is the message I will deliver during the next congress of the Korean society of Endo-Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery (KRERS), in Daejeon, South Korea, in 11-13 April 2024.

It was a pleasure for me to be in Seoul for KRERS 2023, and I am now in the family picture!

Thanks to Dongyoug Lee to have initiated these invitations.


After South Korea it will be APHS 2024 congres with Davide Lomento and all the friends from Asia and everywhere… It is another story!

In Europe we are working with Gabriel de Oliveira, Ralph Lorenz, Willem Akkersdijk, and myself to do the promotion of Open Pre Peritoneal. In France with the club hernie recently, and in the future for a new publication with JF Gillion and the member of the Hernie Club.


 In US we are working with Mickael Reinhorn and Divyansh Agarwal


You will have the complete references in the article!


The third route is under construction everywhere…


More news later.



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